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Today's Family Magazine

NDCL seniors gear up for college at App Fest

Aug 10, 2016 04:52PM ● By Today's Family

Seniors, Ryan McMahon, Molly Mamone and Alyssa Forte, discuss the college process at NDCL’s APP Fest.

NDCL seniors got a jump on college by participating in the school’s sixth annual App Fest in the new Sister of Notre Dame Learning Commons.  Sponsored by the Office of College, Counseling, and Support Services, App Fest gives seniors the opportunity to work with school counselors and recent NDCL alumni to learn tips on how to complete their college applications and craft a compelling college essay.
“We were thrilled to have 95 students take advantage of App Fest.  Knowing this three-day program will alleviate time and stress in the coming months, they made the most of the help offered,” director of counseling, Mrs. Rachel Siegel shared.  “In addition, 17 representatives from colleges and universities such as The Ohio State University, Dayton University, University of South Carolina, Ohio University and John Carroll University offered advice and instruction on the admission process to our forward-thinking seniors.”