Quality schools for Cleveland's children

School planning: Cleveland’s population patterns have changed over the last five years, and the board of education wants to ensure that the taxpayers’ investment in their school facilities matches the community’s needs. The independent Bond Accountability Commission has also called for a fresh look, citing trends in enrollment and construction costs.
After breaking for the summer, CMSD will now resume planning the future of academic programs and facilities. Community meetings focusing on high schools will begin September 28. Meetings conducted in April and May looked at K–8 schools.
Citywide analysis: The citywide analysis is a comprehensive resource to engage the Cleveland community in school planning using the same information considered by district and charter school leaders when assessing how best to plan for quality schools in every neighborhood.
This citywide analysis includes data on academic quality, enrollment and choice patterns, program viability, and building use and condition. It provides data at three different levels—citywide, by region, and at the school level—for both district and charter K–8 and high schools.
While the report presents data analysis, it does not make recommendations or develop action steps; instead, it was designed to provide the most accurate and comprehensive information needed for the community to understand the current state of schools in their region.
The citywide analysis will enable educators, community members and families to work from the same set of facts as we engage together in thoughtful planning for schools across Cleveland.
You are encouraged to attend the upcoming meetings to learn more and provide feedback on this important subject. Visit www.clevelandmetroschools.org/qualityschools for details.