Heights Libraries: Growing to Serve the Community’s Needs

The University Heights Branch went under a complete renovation and expansion in 2016-2017.
By Mary
you’ve ever been inside one of the four branches of the Heights Libraries,
you know there’s a certain magic in the longstanding buildings. Their four
locations include: Coventry Village, Noble Neighborhood, Lee Road and
University Heights branches.
Libraries Communication Manager Sheryl Banks says their growth through the
decades, “is really a testament to community and their commitment to supporting
our levies.” Over the years Heights residents have rallied, petitioned and fought
to keep the Heights Libraries thriving. Today, they are one of the top systems
in the state, with a 5-Star designation from the Library Journal Public Library
Services Index.
unique aspect of their system is the way each Heights area has their own
neighborhood branch. “We have four buildings in our community, which makes it
a walkable experience… you don’t have to get in your car and drive to the
library in a lot of cases. The libraries become much more accessible, and
easier to visit frequently," said Banks.
The oldest
location, the Coventry School library, began in 1916, it stands in the
beautiful gothic building where Coventry Road meets Euclid Heights Boulevard. Now
the Coventry Village Branch, it is the only library that remains relatively unchanged
throughout the years, with only a few minor renovations. This brick
Tudor Revival is adorned with charming features such as fireplaces and medieval
lighting fixtures.
The Noble Neighborhood Branch opened inside a
portable building located on the Noble Elementary School grounds in 1923 and
found a permanent home in 1937. This stunning Georgian-style building was built
by the famed Cleveland architectural firm of Walker and Weeks. Although it was
later renovated, the library took careful consideration to preserve the
historical aspects of the original design.
The Lee Road Branch began in 1928, the same year the
Coventry Village Branch saw an expansion. In 1968, the Lee Road Branch later moved to
its current location near the Dobama Theatre.
University Heights Branch opened in 1952 as an answer to growing population
and demand. Through the years, the branch grew and saw several
major renovations, most recently in 2017.
Heights Libraries are special, not only because of their longevity, but because
they operate as an independent system.
we’re independent, and not part of the county system, we can make decisions
about what kind of books we have, our services, programs we offer… we can make
those very specialized,” says Banks.
One example
of this specialization is the "English as a Second Language" course they offer at
the Noble Road Branch, where they have many Nepalese refugees and others who
come for help learning the language. The Coventry Road Branch offers 250 Russian
books each month and is also one of the only systems in the area that has a specific
service model for deaf customers. “It’s nice to have the flexibility to serve
these special groups,” Banks says.
Other specialties include an entire wing of
the Noble Neighborhood Branch devoted to adult fiction of all genres, which came with their
2011 renovation. They also added a separate teen room, an expanded computer
area, and a children’s department in the lower level.
The Lee
Road Branch offers a comprehensive media lab where visitors have access to
audio and video equipment and green screen. They even provide equipment such as
a keyboard, so patrons can compose and record music, take photos and create videos.
this time of year, the library system would usually be getting ready to launch
their Summer Reading Program out of each branch, but the Heights Libraries team
is quickly adapting to bring the best parts into children’s homes through a
virtual program.
reading is so important because there is this concept that if learning loss
occurs over the summer, a student can start out the next school year at a
disadvantage. It can be really hard for kids to catch up again in the fall,”
Banks explains. She goes on to say this is especially important for younger
readers just figuring out how to read.
reading is nice because kids get to choose what they want to read. It can really
be a lot of fun. We have prizes, and the kids can read whatever types of books
they want.”
we offer so many online books: for a tablet, laptop or phone. We also offer Hoopla digital for ebooks and audio books. With the shutdown, we’ve opened up
more services, such as Tumblebooks. It’s free and offers tons and tons of books with no limit to how
many you can check out,” she says. The Heights Libraries are also offering virtual
story times online.
information about their online reading options and learning resources, visit HeightsLibrary.org. Their team is also excited to share the details of their
online Summer Reading program soon, so check back often!
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