November is National Adoption Awareness Month
Each year, November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month. While all adoption-related issues are important, the public child welfare system focuses on children who are in foster care and in need of “forever families.”
Adoption services have grown in scope over the years and have helped children grow up in safe and loving homes, providing them with a solid foundation in life.
The first major effort to promote awareness of the need for adoptive families for children in the foster care system occurred in Massachusetts. In 1976, then-Governor Mike Dukakis proclaimed Adoption Week and the idea grew in popularity and spread throughout the nation. President Gerald Ford made the first National Adoption Week proclamation, and in 1990, the week was expanded to a month due to the number of states participating in the week celebration.
During November, states, communities, public and private organizations, businesses, families and individuals celebrate adoption as a positive way to build families.
Many people in Lake County are becoming adoptive parents yearly. Over the last 3½ years, Lake County Department of Job and Family Services found forever families for 41 children.
This November, please take a moment to recognize and celebrate the families who have come together through adoption!
For more information about adoption please call the Lake County Department of Job and Family Service at (440) 350-4218 or visit them online at You can change a child's life, as well as your own!