InMotion moves to new Parkinson’s wellness center

InMotion clients exercising in its newly dedicated building in Beachwood, The Allen Goldberg Center for Parkinson’s Wellness. Photo credit: John Ambrose
InMotion is a holistic, integrated wellness center for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their families. There is no other model like InMotion in the world: evidence-based, outcomes-focused, and free of charge.
Providing clients and their care partners a variety of services, InMotion offers exercise, expressive movement, creative thinking, education, and support. InMotion offers a bold community-based approach and helps people with Parkinson’s feel better every day.
The organization was founded in March 2015, opening its doors in Warrensville Heights for three-days-a-week of programming and services. InMotion expanded to five-days-a-week within six months in August 2015. In response to rapid growth that could not be accommodated in its original building, in 2020 InMotion remodeled a building and moved to The Allan Goldberg Center for Parkinson’s Wellness at 23905 Mercantile Road in Beachwood, the first center of its kind with all services conveniently offered under one roof and at no cost to its clients and care partners.
Programming and services include:
- Physical Exercise Classes: Strength, performance, and power, Better Every Day™,” boxing, spinning for PD.
- Expressive Movement: Mindful Movement, Tai Chi, “Yes, I Can Dance.”
- Creative Thinking: Art workshop, music therapy, drumming.
- Educational Offerings/Lecture Series.
- Support Groups: Separate groups for those who are newly diagnosed, those who are living with the disease, and for care partners.
InMotion also offers PD101, an eight-week orientation program for new clients that provides PD education and an introduction to exercise.
In response to the pandemic, InMotion began offering virtual classes in March 2020 that continue to focus on the symptomatic care of PD that could be safely done at home. Today anyone, anywhere can join the center and participate in its classes. InMotion has had more than 27,000 visits to its live zoom and recorded web classes.
The virtual classes encourage people with Parkinson’s throughout the country to become clients of InMotion. Clients have come from California, Florida, Georgia, and New York.
Additionally, InMotion has been committed to implementing a rigorous data collection and analysis program using validated measures since it opened in 2015. Results show that motor performance and quality of life was stable or improved for regular InMotion clients over a 12-month period in the participating cohort, illustrating the power of a holistic community-based approach to wellness for people with Parkinson’s disease and their families.
Assessments are conducted when a client starts at InMotion and then at regular six-month intervals which helps tracks progress and/or areas needing improvement with suggested adjustments to the exercise programming. InMotion was invited to share its unprecedented research outcomes at the World Parkinson’s Congress in Kyoto, Japan in June 2019. Data from InMotion’s assessments was used in a paper published in the August 2020 issue of Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of exercise, mindfulness and education in a community and group setting.
Anyone interested in a tour and/or more information can call (216) 342-4417 or visit their website at