Finding the best public school fit

In 2012, leaders developed Cleveland’s Plan for Transforming Schools, a citywide improvement initiative to reinvent Cleveland’s public education. Its goals are to affect lasting systemic change and strengthen educational outcomes for all students in Cleveland, both district and charter. The Cleveland Transformation Alliance (CTA) was created to oversee the implementation of the plan and is the only organization in Cleveland dedicated to informing families about public school quality and options.
Today, the Cleveland Transformation Alliance supports families by providing an interactive website at and a printed school quality guide to help them select their child’s best-fit CMSD or charter school by offering. Families can search based on academic outcomes, special programs, location, and more. CTA has updated its website, and is now even easier to navigate. It is easy to use on your mobile phone and offers more information than ever.
If a parent or caregiver needs extra support in navigating the system, dedicated CTA staff can help support a family by talking through options, assisting with the enrollment process, and connecting to other support services.
Whether the child in your life is starting kindergarten, transitioning to high school, or you are exploring options, the Cleveland Transformation Alliance is here to help. CTA is here to help YOU find the best fit public school for your child. Just visit to learn more.