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Today's Family Magazine

In This Issue - September 2024 Lake Geauga

Hello Readers!

By now most of your children are back to school and as of this writing, probably not too happy about the extreme heat.  One good thing about the weather is that it is a reminder that there is still some summer left to enjoy!  Check out our online calendar for some great September events that the entire family can enjoy. More events will be added weekly so check back for updates.

If you have never thought about getting your child (or yourself) involved in dance, this may be the perfect time.  Learn about the benefits of dancing (at all ages) and read about local dance studios to find one that is near you. 

This issue features lots of other great articles to explore and maybe you will pick up a tip or two about parenting, health and more. A list of articles with links appears below this note.  A PDF of our print issue appears below the articles.  Check it out for messages from our valued advertising partners.

Thank you for reading Today's Family.  If you have an interesting article idea about a unique local student, teacher, parent, caregiver or other influential person in northeast Ohio, please send us a message at [email protected].

Have a great September!

Dan & Kim Miller, Publishers